Many people wander through life with no idea of why they were created. It is amazing that most aren’t even looking for the answer. That’s why I’m excited you are reading this. You are one of the few that has decided to quit drifting and to live with purpose. The great news is that you have one…everybody does.

Do you want to find your Purpose?

Then you need to discover your GIFT!

“Purpose is the reason a thing is created.”

This implies you cannot give yourself a purpose, since you didn’t create yourself. So you have to discover what is already there. To find your purpose it really helps to find what the Creator had in mind when He created you. Here’s what He has to say on the matter:

“As each one has a special gift, employ it serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace (unmerited favor) of God.”

So here is my practical definition of Purpose: 

“Your Purpose is to
employ your Special GIFT

 In order to find your Purpose, you will need to answer three questions.

1. What do you want?

Believe it or not, most people don’t know what they really want. They don’t know their purpose or what will really make them happy. The result is a life without Passion. On the other hand…when you know what you want, are passionate about it, and are gifted to accomplish it, you would be amazed at what doors open for you.

2. What is your GIFT?

It is not possible to know what you want without first knowing your GIFT. It is the one talent that you can develop to greatness as determined by the very unique way you think. The desire of your heart is directly tied to the thing you are GIFTed to do. Everyone has a GIFT.

3. Who are you, really?

The foundation for determining your GIFT and what you want is discovering who you really are. You may be masking your real identity for a variety of reasons, often to the point that you don’t allow the real you to come out. The good news is that the real you is perfectly suited for your gift, and for getting what you really want.

The Purpose Master Key has many benefits:

  • Find your direction in life instead of just drifting.
  • An answer for the desperation you feel.
  • More income from using your GIFT instead of just working a job.

How do you try to increase your income?

(Not how do you try to make more money doing stupid stuff like having a garage sale or playing the lottery)
  1. More education
    • Degrees- bachelor, MBA, doctorate for teaching, physical therapy, etc
    • Certificates- for IT, LEAN, six sigma, etc
  2. Change careers
  3. Start a business
  4. Work overtime
  5. Both family members work
  6. Second job
  7. Cut back/saving
  8. Investing

None of these solve the real problem.

 The REAL PROBLEM is that you are trying to make income the wrong way.

 The SOLUTION: There is a better way. What if you found that employing your GIFT could actually lead to increasing your income? What if you found out that your God-given GIFT was actually the means for you to live the abundant life you have always wanted? How do you find the Master Key for this better way?

There are seven steps that work for everyone.

 The 7 steps are:

  1.  Your Catalyst- Something causes you to want to change, to wake up
  2.  Discover who you really are – Personality, Family, Generation, Money, Gender  3.
  3. Discover Your GIFT– More than just what you do, it is your unique and God-given way of thinking and making a difference. 
  4. Discover your Desire– Your “Want To”: A strong internal intention sustained by the capacity to endure.
  5. Discover Your Purpose – Your purpose is to employ your GIFT. This is the “what” you were born to do.
  6.  Create Income– The by-product of employing your GIFT. Not just making money, but keeping it and using it to make a difference.
  7.  Make a Difference – Your unique way of applying your GIFT to a cause or vision. This is the “how” you were born to make a difference. 

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If you are serious about making a difference

 by finding your purpose…

then you need to follow the 7 steps outlined in

The Joe Purpose Master Key.

Click HERE to get your copy.

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