In my last post, I discussed two different concepts of truth. One is based on the Greek philosophers’ concept, which is that truth can be relative and changing. The other concept is based on the Hebrew definition of truth where it is constant, does not change, and encompasses all aspects of life. You could say these are two different views of the world based on how one perceives truth.
I should also make sure we are on the same page when I speak about the world. When I speak about the world, I am referring to the earth, the people on it, and the systems by which they operate. It includes things like the governments, economics, religions, traditions, and laws (both natural and man-made) that are part of your life.
My vision for this year is to restore truth in your life. To do that you need to be aware of your worldview. Here are four different worldviews that are commonly held by people. They may not completely describe how you see things, but one of them will be pretty close.
4 Different Worldviews
1. Whatever
You have no control over your world, so life is a matter of going with the flow. It is as if life is a river with a fast current. Struggling against the current seems futile so in your worldview your only option is to drift with the current. When I think of this worldview I think of the country song Buy Me a Boat, by Chris Janson. I have to admit that this worldview sounds attractive when things get a little crazy.
2. Power
You think the river with a fast current is an accurate description of life, but you are not content to have no control. You seek power to master the river. Power generally means money, and with enough of it you can buy a boat and go where you want on the river. More power (money) means a nicer boat with more pleasures, like a yacht. Some people may want power to control others on the river, so they want a battleship to force others to their will. Some want control over the river itself, so they build dredges, channels, dams, etc. to bend the river to their will. A quote I saw by Adharandand Finn inside a Marine Corps battalion’s headquarters reminds me of this worldview:
“The Devil whispered in my ear: ‘You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.’ I whispered back: ‘I am the storm.”
3. Destiny
Similar to the “whatever” group, if you have this worldview you think you have no control, but you think that God controls everything. Your trip down the river is completely in his hands and there is no use in fighting it. You think what will be will be, or it is what it is, and God decides.
4. Choice
If you have this worldview you believe that your life is the results of the choices you make. You may agree that some circumstances are beyond your control, but you have a choice in how you react to them. Your choices matter because you don’t think life is a fast-moving river that has to be struggled against. You think there is much more to life.
If someone comes along and starts telling you things that don’t agree with your worldview how do you think you might react? Most people evaluate information based on their worldview. You do also. Your reaction to truths outside of your worldview make a big difference.
If you have a particular view of the world (government, economics, religion, tradition, and laws) and you discover truths that prove your worldview is wrong, that can be very upsetting. Such a revelation would either cause you to make a radical change in your life, or to ignore the truth and remain in your worldview, even if you know it is not correct. Such revelations are the sources of great changes in history.
You have a choice as to how you view the world. I hope you base your choice on the Judeo-Christian concept of truth. If you find your worldview was not based on the truth, changing may take some courage, but the choice of not changing could be catastrophic.
Which of these four worldviews is closest to your ideas of life?
How does that affect your concept of the truth?
Do you think life is all about struggle or about choice?
Where did you get your worldview?